

How are Bylaws different from CC&R's?

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Bylaws are like the rules your parents set for the family game night, while CC&R’s are like the contract you sign with your soulmate before tying the knot. One is flexible; the other is legally binding. Giuseppe “Joe” Napoli CA DRE Lic. No. 01279689 ReMax Top Producers #losangelesrealestate #bylawscc&rs #probateexpert #realtorjoenapoli

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Wheels and a motor! It’s one of my passions in life Giuseppe “Joe” Napoli CA DRE Lic. No. 01279689 ReMax Top Producers #losangelesrealestate #ferrarilife #probateexpert #realtorjoenapoli

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CARS! CARS! CARS! It’s pretty amazing the number and variety of cars I have had to help my clients dispose of when selling their homes. Giuseppe “Joe” Napoli CA DRE Lic. No. 01279689 ReMax Top Producers #losangelesrealestate #probate #probateexpert #realtorjoenapoli #sellcars

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What are CC&R's?

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Rules that make neighbors think twice before painting pink polka-dots Giuseppe “Joe” Napoli CA DRE Lic. No. 01279689 ReMax Top Producers #losangelesrealestate #HOACC&R #probateexpert #realtorjoenapoli

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What is considered a fixture?

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A fixture in a home sale is not a fancy chandelier or the wine fridge, but something that’s stuck to the walls or floors and requires a crowbar to remove. Think of it as a clingy ex that won’t let go. Giuseppe “Joe” Napoli CA DRE Lic. No. 01279689 ReMax Top Producers #losangelesrealestate #clingyex #probateexpert […]

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How do I read a home inspection report?

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Put on your detective hat, grab a magnifying glass, and get ready to uncover all the dirty little secrets of your potential new home. It’s like playing Clue, but with termites and leaky roofs. Giuseppe “Joe” Napoli CA DRE Lic. No. 01279689 ReMax Top Producers #losangelesrealestate #homeinspection #probateexpert #realtorjoenapoli

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Put that lid down!

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You wouldn’t want potential buyers to get a sneak peek at your prized porcelain throne or its contents, now would you? Giuseppe “Joe” Napoli CA DRE Lic. No. 01279689 ReMax Top Producers #losangelesrealestate #puttheliddown #probateexpert #realtorjoenapoli

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Clean out your shower!

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Seriously! No one needs to know you use Mane and Tail Giuseppe “Joe” Napoli CA DRE Lic. No. 01279689 ReMax Top Producers #losangelesrealestate #maneandtail #probateexpert #realtorjoenapoli

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